God-centered Life

Author: Theresa /

Do you realize that lots of time when we get something we'll be so attracted to the exterior, the outer beauty of it and forgot and even ignore the inner beauty, the important part of that something? Well I donno bout you, but i do...haha! A cup of coffee...do you go Starbucks for their good drinks or something else?

Let me introduce you to a man name Nehemiah. Nehemiah is a very important man for the kingdom that he is in. He's the wine and food TESTER for the king. So he play and very important role not only to the king but also the people... In Nehemiah chapter 1, erm the Bible k.. talk bout Jerusalem, Nehemiah's hometown. Walls been broken down and gates have been burned down. Whats the bigdy you ask? In those days the walls and gates is real important without it the enemies can attack easily... When Nehemiah knows bout this, he prayed and fast for days so that the king will free him and let him go back to Jerusalem to fix the mess..and he even confess the sins on behalf of the Israelites. Nehemiah got what most ppl want, i mean... he's the most important person in the kingdom...kinda.. but YET his heart is always with Jerusalem, his hometown. His concern has always been in God's purpose for Jerusalem.

Now lets learn from Nehemiah...how?

- God's invitation. Are you hearing Him today as He invite you to do something with Him?
- Do what is important in God's eyes to pealse Him rather that pleasing others or even yourself.
- Just like Nehemiah, he choose to go back to Jerusalem, his hometown to fix the mess because he knows that his priority is also God's priority. That is His Will for Jerusalem.

- Discover our attitude towards God
- Nehemiah discover that the more he seek God, the smaller your problems appear. Nehemiah have a deep respect towards God, and he trust Him. Nehemiah fears God, so he choose to trust that by His strength nothing is impossible. (Asking the king for permission)

- Nehemiah ask favor from God that the king will release him.
- Nehemiah trusted that God can do it.
- Nehemiah praise God and repent for the Israelites.
- God is our promise keeper ( Nehemiah 1:8)
- Persistent
~ Continue to pray
~ If you can't pray, look for love. Means look for others to pray for you or pray together even better.
~ Luke 18: 1-17
-The persistent widow get her justice from a unjust judge after begging and begging. (V8) What more when we cry
out to God? Dont you think He will do something?
-The tax collector, humble himself and justified. (V14)
-Let the children come, coming like a child to His kingdom. ...kingdom of God belongs to such as this...(V15-17)
Prayer comes with His word. There's no short cut my friend...get real!
Pray Until Something Happens