A Call

Author: Theresa /

It's 3am in the morning, 25 of June 2008. Me and my family am awake cos of 1 call. Dont worry this is not gonna be horror... My sis called and look for my mom, when i pick up that phone i knew this is not gonna be good, of cos what do you expect, its 3 in the morning. Guess what, she called to tell us that the husband is scolding her because of some stuff that he can't handle. She cried, and am still crying...

Husband came back 2am, drunk and started to scold her.. this is not the first time, and it will not be the last... she cried like she always do... we wanted to go her place and just bring her out from there and settle stuff out, but she refuge cos she knows that it wont help and she dont want other ppl to hurt. I wanted so much to just punch him, i really do! This is really heart broken. You woke up and found your husband to be drunk and scold you for something that is not your fault? how good can that sound and it can be worse. Who knows what will happen next? I wanted to be the superman to save my sister and the children out from there! but i know i can't. Things happens, lots of things is happening in my family, mom argue with her brother, and now this. What next?

I hate the fact that i have to see this happening, have to hear my sis always cry because of that same old guy of hers and have to fight and suffer for her safety and the safety of both of her children. In that house, she have to really humble herself for the safety and future of the children. I am sick of this! this is not the first time! and it only get worse. It is not fun to know that this happens to my sister, you would not enjoy when you know your sister is suffering that much, he have really make me sick of him in somehow, all that he did. If you were me you will wanted to punch him, but i know i can't do that cos that will leads even more trouble. No one will listen to me at this moment, i understand. All that i can do now is ask God for help, crying for my family, my sister who always suffer this. You have no idea how much my sister try to make things better and make that family a better family for the children, but this guy who never listen, never think, never mature, just brings everything down. My sister really have that patience. I really pray that 1 day he will be change... to a better husband, a better father, a better person.

Now my mom can't even sleep, sitting out here watching tv or the other way round, she's worrying alot i know, just that she do not what me to know cos she do not want me to be include in this, trying to protect me, i can just tell her to not to argue with them but handle this problem with care. I know i cant help much, and the best way i know is to pray, so i did, praying that God will take control, there's a reason for everything to happen, i believe. I call God and cry out to him, just like my sister called my mom cos she knows somehow she can find peace and believe that my mom can do something in this. And i believe as i call God and cry out to him, i believe that He will do something to handle this problems. Thats the only thing i can do and i wanted to do, i can't go and punch him, i can't talk to my sister cos i know she will not listen to me, so i talk to God then, He listen, He helps.

Friend, marriage is something that more of the girls will be looking forward to. Do you know that when my sister knows that she's gonna get marriage, she's the happiest person in this world, even tho she knows what kinda person the husband is. I think she have always been dreaming of raising that children with her husband, even tho so many things happen yet she tried to be the peace maker, say nothing just let him with his temper goes. She still love and will love the husband the same no matter what he do. As a third person, this is really hurting, suffer to see my sis have to suffer. Don't even think of loving someone if you can't love yourself and take good care of yourself, i'm not talking bout physically. Love everyone around you, esp your family members, no matter how hard it is, love. Now i choose to love my brother in law, cos i am called to love, it is not physical war this is a spiritual war. Love him more and pray more for him, a changed heart.

Things happens for a reason, i will alwys keep them in prayer, cos i believe in it. God have Your way. If you have a heart please pray with me. Prayers is really needed. Thank you. May God bless you and your family..