She sit on her chair all the time. She fall asleep on her chair often. She doesn’t not talk as much as use to be. She can’t walk much. She doesn’t eat much. She doesn’t smile as much as use to. She is just getting weak. She seams to be always tired. She, can’t remember things like she use to be anymore. =[ She’s my beloved gramma.
My gramma is getting weak I guess. She is not as active as she used to be. Yesterday when I was talking to her, I answer her questions. Few minutes later she will starts to ask me those questions again and I will have to tell her again. That will repeat for a few times. She is a wonderful women. One that is just so loving. She have a great smile on her face. Her cooking is just so wonderful. She used to talk a lot, walk a lot, move a lot. She is always and forever that humble before man and she is still. She is so patience that when people scolded her or something she will never go against them. She is forever caring, she always gives the best that she can for her children and also us as her grandchildren. She is so loving, she will always ask about my dad if he didn’t go to her place for one day. She wants to talk to my dad everyday and see him everyday. She is just that wonderful. People sometime thinks that she is annoying and disturbing. Sometimes, she is just trying to help. She is just the most amazing gramma. Most loving, most caring. She is a great women that I think everyone should meet and everyone will love her for who she is. Even tho she worrys a lot sometime, but she is just trying to be a mother, a gramma, a great gramma, a sister, an aunt.
When I was went for a visit at her place yesterday, I really enjoy talking to her. I don’t mind repeating the same thing again and again. When I woke out from her kitchen, I realize that she was asleep on her chair, which awhile ago I was just talking to her. I was quite sad when I saw her felt asleep, knowing that she’s tired and need to rest a lot of time, that reminds me of the time where she use to teach me how to cook. She use to take good care of me. She will give me everything. Everything. I will never wanna imagine the tomorrow of hers. I don’t wanna think about all that. I just wanna give her my best for my todays. I really love her. Yes, there is a lot of things going tru my mind now. But. Let me tell you. You might think she is annoying, but what makes you think that she deserve to be treated in that way? Love her please. In the right way.
I cried last night while I was talking to God about her. I do not understand why some people can’t just treat her better than what they’re doing now. People, words do hurts. I can’t help much, I can’t stop people from doing those things towards her. I can’t go against them. I can’t do much. But what I can do is to love her, love her. What I can do is to pray for her. Pray. I don’t wanna think about what will happen next, because I just don’t want to. Let me do my best to love her today Lord.
You all out there. If you seldom visit your grandparents or the elders. It is time to give and show them some love. It is not about how busy you are, it is never about you. It is about the she or he. If you wanna be a blessing, learn to bless your love ones first with love and care. Speak wise. Let your words be a blessing and not a curse.