Ways Of Love

Author: Theresa / Labels: ,

Ready? I'm not sure if i'm ready for this steps in life. I guess when it comes, I will be ready by then. Just got information from my lecturer that we're suppose to go to college tomoro and college our interview letter and next week we're starting our practical oready. Well.. excited I do have some at the same time alil nervous. It is time for me to let go of lots of stuff that is just not under my control and things that I can't do anything about. Time to go for another level of life that I do not know what to expect yet. One thing I am sure is that He will be with me. My life without Him a day is just so hard to go on.

Looking at the bigger picture is what I wanna do and am doing now. Not to let things that I have no control in front of me to stop me. To go for practical is just a baby steps for my career life. I'm thankful that I've got this opportunity to do so. My goal for now is to have a stable career life, enjoy my work, learn as much as I can. I do hope that one day I will get to go all over the place just to snap some pictures, enjoy the culture and sketch some lifestyles. To get to what all that, there's sacrifices to make, there's choices to make. Even from now I starts to make those choices. Choices that is not for my comfortable, but for a better tomorrow. God have it control of course, but still He make us choose. I love it, I love the way that He bring me tru all this and yet to come. Hmm.. choices. Thats it! choices. I can't wait to see what will happen next in my life. God You're awesome!! =)

Just wanna take this opportunity to tell you guys that I love you all! hahaha.... wherever we met, I love you=) Honestly there's alil part in my heart that just thinks that I'm gonna miss SiA. The building itself and also all the crazy awesome humans I met in this building. Ya def gonna miss. Am I gonna cry? haha I do not know. You know. There's one great thing that God gave me. Heart of His to love. I don't even know why do I still love the one person that hurt me so much, of course there's none lar. I just think that since God created everyone, I shall love them with my heart not my brain. I always tell myself to do things with my heart, to be a friend with my heart not my brain. When someone doesn't appreciate that friendship and it comes to a point that there's nothing much I can do, I will just love that person from what I can. People, everyone around you is a precious to God, no matter how bad they are, they are still created in a special way by God. One of my buddy said this, "I'm not weird, but different." How true, weird humans there's none, but different. See, I believe that you can eventually learn something from different people. I do not know who will I be meeting in times to come, but I really pray that I will always use my heart instead of my brain. I really don't care if one day I will get really hurt by them, at least I did my part and I know the best way of healing this pains. One Hug. Lord, may Your love overflow within me towards others around me. Amen.

I love this song 1234 by Plain White T's. It's just simply awesome, I like the way they write this song and add on with crazy guitar and guitar and guitar! I'm lovin it! I hope you all like it too~ I now dedicate this song to all of you out there! Enjoy! and I LOVE YOU~~ haha

Till then, for those who may concern, do pray for me as I go tru this part of my life. Pray that I will hold on dearly to God no matter what happen. Ooo and my car broke down. I guess He's too old~ It needs lots of money to fix which can't afford to do so now. Yeap.

Love you all and may God bless you all.

Theresa W.

One Urgent Call

Author: Theresa / Labels: , ,

Few weeks back, the Praise Kids worship team starting to ask for new songs from God. Praying that we can write some songs for Him. This is not only the burden in my heart but burden of this team. I know that this team is ready for it, it is just God's timing for all.

2days ago, I receive an urgent call, urgent call from God Himself. It was around 23:00 sumthing.. I I took up my guitar and starts to sing. After awhile I find myself crying heart. I felt sumthing deep in my heart that I just can't explain. I started to cry and wanting much to shout so loud. After awhile I long for more from God. More of Him, more of His warm presence. In needed a hug from Him. I was so weak that I have to stop playing my guitar and hug my Father in Heaven. I was graping hold on Him and do not want to let go. I pray, I some my precious time with Him. I was awesome. Beyond words.

The next things happen was, melody of His love came from nowhere. This is the first time I can remember all the words and some of the melody of something new on the spot. I started to write down the words from nowhere and I record what I remember. I was something new, I do not know yet if this is what He gave. This is where a new song begins. My first and His love.

It was all about how lovely He is. This song named, 'One Hug'. How His one hug just can change the whole world. I still remember my first encounter with Him. It was in one of our Praise Kids camp, 'Fear Factor Camp'. Ps David was the speaker for that camp. My first REALLY HUGE encounter with Him was in one of the night where God show me Himself, His love by His one great hug. It was so big, so huge that it just take away the rest. Amazed.

Today after PK celebration, Stephanie, the great sister with the keys, John, our awesome drummer and my lovely partner Kimberly. I share with them this song. Letting them listen my recording and also the lyrics. I've never know how do you write songs and whats next, but I put my trust in Him for this is His song. Not about us but Him. Steph and I figure out the melody for the songs, with John on the drum, we go tru afew times and at the end, it was done. Melody and the words. We still to need work on it so it's not ready for out come yet. Glory to Him.

This is something really new, the first time we work on a new song for Him. We really need prayers of yours. We are really looking forward to see what God will do next. I myself still do not know what to do next, the only thing I can do now is to listen to Him. We dedicate this song to God alone. May His Will be done on this generation and the generation to come. Amen.

When you know that He is calling you, do not ignore His call, every call He make is an urgent call. It is because of this call, this song was created. Do not ignore, friend.

For those who have been praying for us, here I thank you for your support and prayers, may His blessing upon you all.

Just to let you know, I love you=]

Theresa. W.

Eating As Worship

Author: Theresa / Labels:

This is sumthing cool that i've learn yesterday and am really excited to share! Be amazed and change=]

Genesis 2:8-17
8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

10 A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin a]"> and onyx are also there.) 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. b]">14 The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

When you walk into the bookstore and see a table filled with books on dieting, you know it must be January. After several weeks of over-eating all kinds of holiday foods, people in many cultures turn their attention to not eating.

Food plays an important role in Scripture. God uses it not only to bless us but also to teach us. Our misuse of food keeps us from knowing God in ways He wants to be known.

In the Old Testament, God gave instruction to Adam as to what to eat and what not to eat (Gen. 2:16-17). Later He gave the Israelites manna to convince them that He was God and to test them to find out if they believed Him (Ex. 16:12; Deut. 8:16). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul stated the proper attitude for everything we do, including eating: "Whether you eat or drink,... do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31).

When we think of food as a friend that comforts us or an enemy that makes us fat, we miss the wonder of receiving with gratitude a splendid gift from God. Obsessive eating or not eating indicates that we are focused on the gift rather than on the Giver, which is a form of idolatry.

When eating becomes a true act of worship, we will no longer worship food.
- Julie Ackerman Link

When food becomes our god,

our appetite for the Bread of Life is diminished

Copyright from 'Our Daily Bread' RBC Ministry

Let Him

Author: Theresa /

This afternoon I was given privilege to lead worship, excited as usual as I am really looking forward for that opportunity to serve Him and with my great team of peeps. I feel the needs of surrendering everyone and everything unto Him before we starts. In every prayer of mine, I pray that God will help us to surrender everything unto Him and let this praise and worship time be for Him and Him only. Some of the team members was really tired, I can't help it but personally ask that strength from Holy Spirit to be upon us. The word that I receive all the way was Surrender. And so I did and the team.

Praise and worship starts with the Joy of the Lord fill every single one of us. Those who's tired seams to be energetic, everyone was singing and dancing with Joy, Praise Him. My partner, Kim was having a great fun too. She was tired. I do not know what to expect from God in this worship time. I know our team wanted to do all that we have for Him only and I pretty sure everyone did that. The Holy Spirit was really strong starts from the beginning. The Joy of the Lord was just so crazy!

When it comes to worship time. In whom I can Trust was the song. I feel real much of the power of the Holy Spirit the sign language that we're doing. I was extremely powerful. Beyond words. I started to fill myself with His power, it wasn't me anymore who is talking and singing and doing all that sign language. I felt that burden in me. I felt the strong power of the Holy Spirit that I just cant keep it into myself and started to sing in spirit. To have this experience in Praise Kids is not a usual thing and at that point I know that God is doing something, He is ministering. The burden of wanting the children of God to sing out loud to Him was so strong. I keep on asking everyone to sing, sing out loud to God. Letting Him hear your voice. I started to feel that tears in me. It wasn't me anymore. In surrender I let Him minister, I let Him take all the control. The worship team was fully into Him, if it's not, I don't think this will happens. Children started to sing so loud, they are even louder than the instruments which contains two keyboard and one drum. I was so into Him that I can't open my eyes and just soak in His wonderful presences letting Him do His thing.

As the songs comes to an end, I feel that hunger for more, that hunger to sing in spirit by every soul in that place. As I ask, I do not know who sing in spirit but I can assure that the Spirit of the Lord is just so amazing and power of the Holy Spirit is just too strong I can't bare it anymore and release it all. This power, this spirit really am moving around upon this place. I started to sing in the spirit, so did my worship team. They did not sing because I ask them to, it is because of the Holy Spirit. I do not know any look or anything that the children was doing at that point. I didn't open my eyes but just to let Him do His thing. I know that the Holy Spirit is changing life in that place. The children, the team members. When we started to sing the last song, All About God. My burden just get so strong, tears started to fall, not much but enough for me to know that is it He. My leader , aunt Annie, came out and take over, at that point I knew that God is doing something greater than I ever imagine in that place. At the same time I fall on my knees and starts to pray for this children of God.

It is not easy to lead children into this deep worship. I do not know how many of them is actually responding to the spirit of God, but I do know that God wanted to do something in someone's life that time. He didn't give me a choice to make to do it or not, He just did it as my team and I choose to surrender. I wasn't really sure of what is going on until when I gather my team to pray after the celebration, my partner, Kim prayed about the presences of the Holy Spirit, I am sure that He is doing something beyond my expectation. He wanted to change someone's life today and so be it. This is the beginning of something new. Of cause, we must continue to pray. This team of people I will never give up. I love my worship team peeps, they are just so humble like a child and just so obedience towards Him. Praise God! I believe as we surrender, more great things will happen and I'm pretty sure that this worship team are ever-ready!

This kids that we see every week, the whole Praise Kids team members, I do not know who or what did God did to them this afternoon. But I know that things is changing. Looking forward for more of Him and less of us. Is like God bring us to another level of faith.
When we went off from the stage, I was still so overwhelm, it's just like my body is full with the Holy Spirit, full with His power that I can't carry by my body. I spend some time pray and seek Him and letting Him do the rest. This is something new, something precious to me and I will never ever forget this, I will never ever let this go.

This ministry will be change and be blessed. To all my worship team members, you guys ROCKS!!! I love every single one of you guys=] To the whole PK team members, you guys are so precious, we thank you for all this while you guys have really take good care of the worship team and being such a great blessing to us and the kids! WE LOVE YOU ALL! God is doing something great and wanted to do something great in your life, wanting to use you, surrender.

I think God is really asking us to surrender all unto Him, it's only when you surrender that He can do great things to and tru you. From today onwards, I will choose to surrender. How about you?

I was discussing with one of my mates, Stephanie just now about the worship team. We both agree that God is bringing this team to another level. We have been talking about composing and writing our own songs, from the team of cause. This is still in discussion. We both agree that our team is ready for that, is just to choose to do or not, to scarifies, to surrender. We will be talking to our leader soon about this. We are ready for the next challenge to come. The next big and small thing that God have planned for us. As you know we are also training our next generation in the worship team, in needs of your prayers in this area as we are new to this and may this next generation of ours be fill with His presences and His power everyday.

Here I would like to take this opportunity to give a great big thanks to you all who have really been watching out for this worship team. We don't need to worry about anything because we are always that blessed and that taken care of by all of you. We really really appreciate your prayers and you supports in any ways. All the prayers, the good food, the great time, the honey lemons, the laughers, the spiritual, physical, emotional needs=] We really appreciate when you guys come over and give us a thumbs up or just 'well done'! We learn to giving it all to God=] May this great God that we have bless you all out there. The worship team is really blessed, we will do our best and may He do the rest. May all of us hunger for more of Him everyday of our life.

For whom may concern, do pray for us=] we really appreciate your prayers and support in any ways. Thank you.

Let Him.
