Love through prayers

Author: Theresa /

Yesterday after Praise Kids, i was suppose to rush home and get some work done, i ended up staying for about an hour!

I felt that i need to pray for some people individually so i end up praying for the worship team members individually. Got to check out how are they doing and hear from them their ups and down is just so wonderful, top up with a prayer is just the best time i’ve ever had. I felt the love between myself and every single one of them personally. It’s just so fun to get one step closer with the people that i always work with, to be able to know them even more. After praying for all of them, my buddy, Selwyn offered to pray for me. He said “i felt that God wants me to pray for you.” I was like, thats great!! I really did not expect that anyone of them will in return pray for me. I didn’t expect for a return. It turns out, that prayer was just what i needed at this moment of life. Thanks Selwyn! =]

After praying for the team, i get to chat with the maid who work for the church, kakak Martina. Turns out that today is her last day of working in our church. She shared with me how is she doing, her son, and some of her struggles. She shared how have God helped her and how her son help her in her spiritual grow, she praise the Lord. I thank her for her service for all this while, how she have been so wonderful to us, helping us so much, sometimes i think she’s doing more than what she’s suppose to because she love us. Sweet! =] I had the privilege to pray for her! in Malay! It was not easy as i had only prayed in Malay for twice in my life? and yesterday was praying for some deep stuff! I was using the most simple words, the best that i can, the most simple of all and the rest i was just letting the Holy Spirit to do His thing. When i open my eyes after praying, i saw tears in her eyes. I really didn’t expect that, the Holy Spirit was moving so strong, it’s all Him, not i. Thank You Lord.

Offer to pray for someone today, it will bring so much love to others and yourself too.

1Timothy 2:1

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

bread with love!

Author: Theresa /

Yesterday morning my mom, nephew, 2 of my friend and i went for a jog in a nearby park. After jogging my friend and i join my mom and nephew at the fish pond. We brought some bread to feed the fish. When i arrive where they were,there was a few other kids who was standing there looking at the fish so we spare them some of the bread to give to the fishes and turtles too! The kids really enjoy themselves. We made some great friend that morning only through bread. Everyone had good fun and laughter that morning. Thank You Lord!

Here’s some pictures=]

Kids looking for the fishes and turtles.

And the star of the day….

Sharing is always fun! So, share!

love delivery!

Author: Theresa /

On Thursday night I wrote some feedback and something that I think will encourage my youth leader who just started to join us about a month ago. I really felt that he needs people to support him so I wrote down what I receive 2 weeks back and some encouragement to him. After writing and have my friend print it out for me, we sent it to his house. On top of that, I brought a strawberry ‘Rocky’ for her cute little daughter. He was surprise to see us, all I hope is that that simple letter will bring him encouragement.

All of us need encouragement now and then, our lead too. Show some love towards your leaders to encourage them. =]

And here’s the cute girl! =]

Photograph courtesy of Apple Huang

Love Life through instant oat!

Author: Theresa /

Today I went to buy some Instant Organic Oats for my neighbor, a 79 year old uncle and his wife, 82. He was actually feeling bad because a young girl would spend her money on them. But he was really thankful. After receiving, he started to share about how he was struggling to help his wife around. Auntie started to have problem with walking and her eyes can’t really see since 4 years ago, things have never been better since then. Just 2nights ago, uncle have to bring her to emergency because she wasn’t feeling well. That is why uncle need extra strength at this hour to take care of his wife.

After sharing of his struggles, i offer to pray for him and he said yes! So i hold his hand and prayed. It was such a moment. Never had i actually do that before and there i was holding his hand and pray. God is good. After praying he continue to share how he knows all this is God’s plan and how he can only do his best for his wife and everything around the house. I am truly touch. Even tho things is not looking good, he struggled, yet he never complain but thank God and trusting that God is always good. He never blame anyone of blame God, he understand that in the very beginning, God created us all equally, no more, no less, “this is life” he said, “all we need to do is live life” he continue.

I am truly blessed by his sharing, what he is doing for his wife and also doing everything else. How he is so strong and holding on to God. He was truly blessed by the kindness that i show towards both of them. Honestly, i’m the blessed one. Uncle is such a wise man, everything he said can really makes me think and strengthen my faith. Such a blessed moment. May His will be done.

Bless your neighbor with some kindness, who knows, you’re the blessed one. =]

Deuteronomy 16:17
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.



More than expected

Author: Theresa /

t’s amazing how God use you when you’re open for Him to use you for His great plan. Reach out. So often we’re being told to reach out, the Great Commission says that we are to GO and MAKE disciples, BAPTIZING them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and TEACHING them everything I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20) And He promise that He will always be with us till the very end of age (Vr.20).

Last cell group, thats exactly what we learn. I remember telling God that i am ready for Him to do His thing through me to the fullness. After saying that, the rest is to expect from God and be ready.

God is just so awesome. Even with expectation i place on Him, what He did is always, always beyond my expectation. That’s so Him. Last week, i was asking God to show me if there’s anything i can do more then what i’m doing now. As always, patience is always good. He wants to test my patience. Next thing i know, it’s ‘on the move’ time!

Last Friday night, i get to hang out with my sister and 3 of her friends. We went to KBOX, then went for a drink. This is my first time ever to hang out with my sister’s friend and get to hang out with them is just such fun. I get to know them more and i get to go one step closer to my sister too. It might just be going for fun, but for me, there’s more than that. Being able to be part of their life, the honor is mine. Saturday night, I was suppose to go for Eklektos but my mom told me that we’re having family dinner at my gramma’s place, my heart was so much in EC but i will just obey and go for my family dinner. Well, again, beyond my expectation. My aunt bring along her guitar and some great worship songs, we worship the Lord before we went home, if you do not know, not all of my family members is Christian. I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit so strong at that place, I was so much in peace as we praise and worship the Lord, even better, one of my sis’s friend that i hang out on Friday night came over just at the right time. The Lord is IN THE MOVE! Sunday, I spent almost the whole day with my sister, preparing a surprise party for our mom with our cousins.Felt so great to be part of the action in preparing and capable in playing a part in providing financially.Dinner went great, great and great! full of love and joy surround the restaurant which the owner is also our cousin. After dinner, went to my sis’s place and help her prepare some extraordinary taste chocolate for her friend’s wedding today. The chocolate making ends 1am. Exhausted but truly blessed.

I have to admit that i was quite exhausted, but at the same time i am the most blessed person on earth! for God truly have use me to the fullness! Truly blessed. Never have i expected that i will be able to get involve in the life of these friends of my sister, and now, we’re friends too. They’re so open and very very wonderful people, i am really looking forward to hang out with them again, as long as no alcohol is involve=]. Getting one step closer to my cousins is again another blessing to me. I always tot that i will never get to hang out with my sister, her friend and also my cousins like that, because of the age gap, but God, He is just so amazing, He is the reason for all this is happening, He is just simply awesome!

You know, all i did was just to enjoy my life, enjoy people around me, enjoy being love and to love. Enjoy His wonderful presence, and, God just use all that to reach out. For me, this is a chapter of reaching out towards others. =] Is not that hard after all.This is just the beginning and may God do the rest. Not I. Thank You Lord.

God i ask that You use us to the fullness, may Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done. Amen.

Blessings and love,