Last night we had a family dinner at gramma's place, i went early to help out. I sat on the dining table to prepare the food together with my dad and my aunt, with my gramma sitting at her chair. My gramma starts talking about the Eklektos went to her house for caroling. She was quite specific, she starts to ask me who is this who is that, she remembers what color of shirt they wore, and their pretty little head. I was surprise to know that she remembers all that and she keep on talking about it. At that point i knew it she really enjoy having them over and she is truly blessed. At that time all her mind is thinking about that day, i know she really enjoy having so many young people in her house, she felt so warm and perhaps treasured.
I love my gramma. She gave everything that she is to her children and everyone. She use to always cook amazing food, always bless us, always. Now she just can't do that much anymore. When she tried to help, she will get scolded. Some people just pay no respond at all towards her. They thinks she's a burden. Worst when these people are family members and close ones. Hmm. That is why i think she enjoy so much to have the Eklektos around for caroling and there's so many of you that go and talk to her, shake her hand.
I just wanna say a huge thank you to Eklektos for making all this caroling visitation possible. What you guys did was truly a blessing and it brings memories that change life. Please do continue doing this because you never know, you might save someone's life. Your prayers in different language is such powerful. Hakka is a language where everyone in my family can understand and you have people who knows how to pray in Hakka=] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Thank you Eklektos. I'm gonna take one of your group photo and give it to my gramma, i hope that's ok with you guys. May God continue to use you guys as a blessing towards people all around this world in different ways. Merry Christmas.
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